Sheet! That smells good - DIY linen spray.
Okay, I'll be honest.
My name is Naomi and I have bedroom issues.
Not those kind of issues, you pervert! I have issues surrounding the quality
of my bedtime experience.
I like to drift off to sleep at night snuggled under my down quilt, with my feather pillows, wrapped in gorgeous linen.
And I love for my bed to smell delicious when I hop in each night.
This linen spray is a fast and easy way to ensure that my bed smells fresh and inviting, and is relaxing, for me every night.
Let me know how it goes for you.
If you need more information about essential oils or
tox-free living, visit my wellness page.
Spray bottle
Witch hazel
Distilled water
Purify essential oil
Lavender essential oil
Fill your chosen spray bottle half and half with the water and the witch hazel.
Add equal amounts of the Purify and the Lavender, in a ratio of 8 drops of each, per 60ml of fluid.
Shake well before each use.
Spray lightly over your bedding each morning when you make your bed.