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The Nitty Gritty - with Michelle Hartnett

Michelle was one of my first "insta-friends" back in the day when I was first starting to be serious about the curation of my feed.

She is endlessly encouraging, totally inspiring and I'm happy to introduce you to her special brand of pretty...

Tell us a little about yourself .

My main job is a freelance photo stylist, journalist and content creator. I create images and copy for small businesses to use for their websites, blogs, newsletters and social media and also teach the art and techniques of photo styling at workshops. I’ve just launched my website, where I’ve started to blog about all things creative and also have a small stationery and art range. If you can figure out a one word answer that I can give people when they ask, “So, what do you do?”, please let me know!

How did you get started?

I always had school girl visions of being the next Lois Lane! You know the one: the feisty, fearless news reporter at the ‘Daily Planet’ in the Superman movies! Unfortunately, there was no Clarke Kent ( AKA Superman) at the newspaper where I began work as a cadet journalist, but instead, a very old-school, chain-smoking news editor who would often pack us cadets off on jobs with a camera and growl orders to “see if you can get me a front page!”. It was a tough way to learn, but I paid attention, worked hard, made many, many mistakes but, eventually, did get that front page and several others after! That cadetship definitely ignited my love for photography and writing and, to this day, I still look back on that experience with so much gratitude. Without a doubt, it was the launching pad for everything else I’ve done since!

What equipment do you work with?

A typical work day for me generally involves styling props, backgrounds, my trusty Canon camera, my Mac computer and Lightroom to edit my images. Oh, and coffee! An absolutely essential part of my toolkit. Sometimes, cake is a necessity too. Or chocolate. I’m not fussy!

Do you prefer deadline work or working to your own flow?

I’m actually really organised with my workflow as just about all my jobs- whether I’m working with words or images- come with some kind of deadline attached. But I definitely do my best work when I’m left to my own devices and can work in my own space, at my own speed. I tend to avoid clients who have unrealistic expectations about the time it takes to complete a job and I have a firm rule to never let other people’s lack of organisation or planning become my problem!

Describe your style.

That’s actually a really hard question! You might have to answer that one for me, Naomi! I love creating images that are loaded with texture and often work with vintage and botanical props. If I’m shooting for clients, I obviously have to work to a brief with their signature colours and style preferences, but generally, most of my images tend to be on the light and bright side. Although, lately I’ve been loving experimenting with dark and moody. I blame you, Naomi, for inspiring me with all your dark, decadent and delicious food shots!

Who do you admire?

Anyone who goes about their daily business- both personally and professionally- with good grace, kindness, manners and care and consideration for the people around them.

What's your dream job?

Pretty much what I’m doing now! Although, I certainly have days when I think it would be so much easier to re-join the workforce in a permanent position with a weekly wage and regular hours. The ups and downs of freelancing can be quite challenging at times! But I just have to trust the universe that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be right now doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing!

What's your "can't live without" prop, tool or piece of equipment?

My Canon EOS 80D camera. I love, love, love my camera! I learnt how to shoot in Manual mode on this model, and have never found myself wanting, or needing, to switch back to the safety of Auto. I use the Canon app to transfer my photos and sync my camera with my iphone so it’s easy to post my pics to Instagram.

Sweet or Savoury?

Depends what time of the day. After dinner, I love having a little square (or two) of chocolate. But during the day, I’d pick savoury. Or sometimes sweet. Can I say both?

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate! No decision required here!

Four favourite instagram accounts?

I have such a long list of favourites- including you, Naomi! But I’m always inspired by posts from:





Three songs to listen to while working?

Home by Phillip Phillips, Let’s Dance by David Bowie, Addicted to You by Avicii. Housework involves anything I can dance to while no-one is watching and generally includes a mix of 1980s hits from Spandau Ballet, Duran Duran, Kim Wilde, Tina Turner and a few ABBA favourites thrown in for sing-a-long value! Anyone else of my era with me on these?

What was the last book you bought?

Non-fiction was ‘Wreaths’ by floral artists Katie Smyth and Terri Chandler with photography by Kristin Perers. Fiction was ‘The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart’ by Holly Ringland that I bought as a birthday present for a friend.

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family think you'd done?

They’d probably think I’d parked in a no-standing zone because I was desperate for my morning caffeine hit!

Can you show us one of your early photos, along with a recent shot that you're really proud of?

I took this first photo when I first started to play around in Manual mode on my camera and really began to fine tune my skills working with natural light, texture and tone. It’s not by any stretch of the imagination my best photo, but it’s not too terrible either. It’s a starting point! This image reminds me of how much I’ve learnt by practising, practising and then practising some more! I think I learn something new every time I pick up the camera and I absolutely love that

I have a really strong emotional connection to this simple little square of vibrant green coffee berries, so it’s probably the photo I’m most proud of. The berries came from coffee trees grown by my dear friend, Shaun, who died very unexpectedly, at only 53-years of age, two days before Christmas in 2016. It meant so much to me when Shaun’s gorgeous wife, Joanne, asked me to print and frame this image as a gift for their eldest son and for Shaun’s sister. I have this photo hanging in my workroom as it reminds me of the many cups of coffee, wonderful conversations, and happy times our circle of friends shared with a great mate who is no longer with us. Amazing how one little snap can conjure up so many special memories!



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