Homemade Ghee - I can't believe it's not butter.
I love ghee!
It’s just like butter, except all the milk solids and water have been removed from it,
so you’re left with nothing but pure, good for you fat that not only tastes fantastic but also has a really high smoke point, on top of being shelf stable.
I have my jar of ghee out on the bench next to my stove.
You can use it wherever you would use butter or olive oil. It has a wonderful rich buttery taste.
Makes approx 500ml
500 grams of the best quality unsalted
butter that you can get your hands on
Chop your butter roughly into cubes.
Place in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring it gently from time to time.
As it melts and heats up, you’ll see a thick foam start to form at the surface.
Notice how bright yellow and opaque the butter is at this stage.
Keep stirring until your butter starts to simmer, at which point you’ll want
to turn the heat down to medium-low.
Let the butter simmer and watch the bubbles emerge from that thick foam, increasing
in size and number.
As the bubbling increases, you’ll notice that the foam will become thinner and
the bubbles will become bigger.
Soon, you will notice the milk solids will start to form curds and attach the sides of the pan.
That is completely normal and desirable.
Just scrape the sides of the pan from time to time to help those milk solids sink to the bottom.
As the milk solids sink to the bottom, you will notice that your butter is beginning to clear up.
It will get more and more translucent, the bubbles will get bigger and the foam will
eventually completely disappear.
Your butter will start to look honey coloured as the milk solids, which are
now at the bottom, begin to brown.
Keep stirring, scraping the sides and bottom so the milk solids don’t attach to the pan and burn.
Now wait…
The butter will suddenly start foaming for a second time!
This is how you know that it’s ready to be strained.
Take it off the heat and let the foam subside for a minute.
Grab a bowl or a large jug, preferably with a spout and place a strainer over the top.
Line your strainer with several layers of cheesecloth or clean chux cloth.
Carefully pour your ghee through the cloth, capturing the milk solids and allowing the
pure ghee to pass through.
Pour the ghee into jars and allow to cool and solidify before capping.