Keto Cookies and Cream Cups - When you've just got to have one...
I'm taking a deep, shaky breath here.
I've been doing a lot of dreaming and goal setting and hard, hard work on myself lately.
I've been listening and learning about genuine connection, vulnerability and
(dare I say it) authenticity.
I created this recipe with a dream in mind, a hope in my heart and a wish for the universe.
I was going to post it with my funny "Ha ha, I like Cookies and Cream when I'm hormonal" post below, and just hope for a miracle, but I feel an urgent need to just be real with you guys.
I develop keto recipes.
I'm damn good at it.
I work for top keto bloggers and recipe sites around the world and I LOVE it.
But. My secret dream, my deepest desire and what I've recently realised is my driving ambition, is that I want to be creating and sharing my own recipes too.
Not in the halfhearted way that I have been previously, but in a way that makes them easy and accessible to all of you.
In a way that makes you want to make them, love them, share them and
work with me on my dream.
I want to be the place that you head to find delicious and easy keto recipes.
I want to see my social media feed fill with your shots of my recipes.
I want to hear what you think.
I want to see you and work with you.
I'm currently overhauling my website to make it more user friendly, but I didn't want to wait any longer to share my dream with you.
So, I'm putting it out into the universe.
If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
If you want a recipe to try, these Cookies and Cream Cups are so easy and incredibly delicious.
Make them. Share them. Tag me.
Now, for your reading pleasure; my original post:
Confession: back in the day, our grocery shop always included a couple of family sized blocks of chocolate. On a strangely regular basis of once a month, I would crave
Cookies and Cream chocolate.
I found this quite hard to give up when we started our keto journey but eventually stopped missing it.
Until I received an order from my friend at Keto Lane which has some Vitawerk
sugar free white chocolate.
Holy white chocolate, people!
I tested and re-tested the chocolate cookie crumb a million times and couldn't get it to work the way that I wanted to.
And then, as I started to pull ingredients out of my pantry for yet another batch, my eye fell on the Quest Double Choc Chip Cookies that I had stashed in there.
Yes. Yes, I did face-palm myself.
Why make things hard on myself when someone else has already done the fine-tuning?
These Cookies and Cream Cups can be in the fridge setting in about ten minutes.
AND each cup clocks in at a tiny 2.8 grams of carbs!
makes 20
100 grams of 90% dark chocolate, plus 15 grams of coconut oil
100 grams of sugar-free white chocolate, plus 30 grams of coconut oil
1 Quest Double Choc Chip Protein Cookie
Lay 20 mini muffin wrappers out on a tray.
Double line them if you want.
Place the dark chocolate and 15 grams of coconut oil into a microwave safe jug and
heat gently until melted.
Pour a thin layer of chocolate into the base of each case and sit the tray in the freezer while you prepare the next layer.
Chop your Quest cookie into small chunks.
Place the sugar free white chocolate and 60 grams of coconut oil into another microwave safe jug and heat in bursts until melted and combined, stirring in between bursts.
Let the chocolate cool slightly and then scoop the chopped cookie into the jug, leaving a couple of tablespoons behind for garnish.
Stir gently to combine.
Remove the cups from the freezer an use a teaspoon to gently fill each cup with the cookies and cream mixture.
Finish off with a sprinkle of leftover cookie and refrigerate until set.
Store in a container in the fridge.
Don't eat the whole batch at once.