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Kiss it Better - DIY healing salve.

I first made this healing salve for a good friend of mine, but loved it so much that it's now a permanent fixture in my household too.

Many salves are coconut oil based and this is especially true of healing salves due to coconut oil's amazing anti-bacterial properties.

However, this particular friend has both nut and coconut allergies, so I had to put my thinking cap on and whip up an alternative.

The end result is this luxurious salve that is both healing and moisturising. It's perfect to use on cuts and scrapes, but also on itches and irritations.

If you need more information about essential oils or

tox-free living, visit my wellness page.



Lidded jar

45 grams of beeswax

40 grams of shea butter

40 grams of jojoba and/or fractionated coconut oil

(you can use any carrier oil, such as sweet almond, but my blend is of course 


20 drops of Tea Tree essential oil

25 drops of Lavendeer essential oil


Place beeswax, shea butter and carrier oils in a heat proof jug and melt in the microwave.

Do this on a low setting, checking and swirling the mixture regularly.

Remove from the microwave and add your essential oils.

Stir to combine and pour into your jar.

Leave to set.

In summer this salve will become very soft and may even begin to melt, just

pop it in the fridge if this happens.


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