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The Nitty Gritty - with Amy Minichiello

Amy is one of my favourite storytellers.

Her writing is evocative and beautiful and I often find myself sighing over her descriptive posts.

I can't wait to see the fulfillment of her Recipes in the Mail project.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hello there, my name is Amy.

I am a self-taught cook, baker of cakes, story-teller and recipe sharer.

It is the most simple of things that bring me the greatest amount of joy; biting into that first summer-sunshine filled tomato; standing back and admiring freshly laundered washing blowing about in the breeze; sharing my love for all things food; indoor plants and freshly cut flowers and seeing the world all over again through our little boys eyes.

I live in a little weatherboard home with my husband, Ben and our son, Beau along with our dog, chickens and about 2000 worms on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, where the oven hums, the bench top is laden with seasonal produce and the aroma of freshly baked treats permeates the walls.

How did you get started?

When my brother and I were younger we would spend many a school holiday at our grandmothers’ homes in Rosebud.

Nanna and Granny lived just down the road from Nanna Joy so we would go from house to house.

It was with Granny however that my fondest of baking memories remain so clear. Mum hated a mess, so I didn’t grow up standing alongside her in the kitchen.

When I left home at about age 22, to travel Australia, I didn’t even know how to boil an egg, but I could make scones and cinnamon tea cake!

It was the year that MasterChef premiered, and we were living in Margaret River, WA that my love for food and cooking really began.

Working in numerous cafes as a barista over the years had me dreaming of wanting a little place to call my own and thus A Mini Kitchen was born! 4 years later along with many tears, happy memories, lessons learnt, and more vanilla bean cupcakes made than I dare to count as well as the arrival of our little boy we closed the door on that chapter and I now spend my days cooking, baking, writing about food and memories and the connection they both have. sharing recipes on my blog. Creating cakes, namely for weddings and the occasional birthday celebration. Forever practising my love for styling and photography and working on my little project called “Recipes in the mail”

One of my favourite quotes – “You must live your life forward but understand it backwards” reminds me to always celebrate those little (and big) achievements, that all the experiences that have been in the past are leading towards one day realising my dream of becoming a cookbook author so that these memories and stories that connect us all can be remembered and shared for the many generations to come.

What equipment do you shoot with?

My iPhone. One day I will gift myself a “proper” camera, even if it does make me feel slightly nervous and overwhelmed! Eeek!

Do you prefer studio work or location shoots?

Most of the time my photographs are taken at home where I set up my little scene on the old workbench that I picked up at a vintage store a few years ago. It was originally purchased to display the numerous cookbooks that were for sale at the café.

It now sits happily on our front deck under the veranda and with every mark, scratch and stain that is etched onto its surface I cant help but wonder what stories it could tell.

Describe your style.

I like to think that my style has a certain sense of warmth to it, inviting the gazer in and let them feel like they are welcome to stop and stare for a while. A certain sense of rustic, vintage charm.

Who do you admire?

Oh, there are so many incredible humans I admire! To start, anyone that takes that leap of faith to realise a dream, big or small, it shows determination, courage and self-belief and I think that’s special.

My dad, for taking that leap of faith and willing to take a risk, for his constant support and his generosity.

For her way with words, food and constant support and never-ending kindness is Belinda Jeffery. She has taught me more than she could ever know.

What's your dream food shoot?

Oh, I do love to think about this!! It would be at home, surrounded by local and seasonal produce from growers in the area, creating recipes for my own cookbook surrounded by a small team of like-minded creatives.

What's your "can't live without" prop, tool or piece of equipment?

My Granny’s doilies and vintage china plates.

Do you have one piece of advice for anyone just starting out?

Find a few styles that you are drawn to you and people who do those styles really well and  learn as much as you can while experimenting and creating with what you have on hand. Also, learning even the most basic editing for your photos will make such a difference! (I’m still getting the hang of this one!)

Sweet or Savoury?

Savoury, believe it or not! Cheese is one of my greatest loves!

(I hear ya, sister!)

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla. There is something so very pretty and nostalgic about vanilla bean flecked shortbread, cakes and ice creams. Not to mention the fluffy, cloud-like swiss meringue buttercream that I use on my cakes.

Four favourite instagram accounts?

There are many, whom all spark joy within me whenever I see a new post….




However, there are so many more accounts that either bring me inspiration, happiness or words to really think about. (or all three at the same time!)

That was really hard! There are sooo many. [endif]

Three songs to listen to while working?

Most of the time I prefer silence. It is very rare for me to have music playing as I work.

I feel that it can sometimes become a bit of a distraction and too much background noise makes my head feel a little dizzy. Instead I enjoy the sound of the wind as it blows the trees, the birds singing and the occasional “cluck” by one of the chooks.

And when I do feel like a bit of company I love listening to Podcasts.

What was the last cookbook you bought?

Midnight Chicken (and other recipes to live for) by Ella Risbridger. The way she writes just makes me want to be her friend!

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family think you'd done?

Trespassing on private property for “borrowing” sun-ripened plump figs, ruby-red berries or crunchy apples!

I won’t share what my husband said when I asked him this question!! I went with what my mum and dad said instead.

Can you show us one of your early photos, along with a recent shot that you're really proud of?

The first one was taken 6 years ago when I had not a clue about lighting!

The second was taken late last year.



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